A Focused Approach To Divorce And Family Law

3 things to avoid when negotiating child custody

On Behalf of | Mar 6, 2023 | Child Custody |

The often-contentious nature of divorce can zap your energy and tempt you to accept terms that do not meet your or your kids’ needs. It is hard to remain resolute when you’re exhausted and want only to speed things along.

However, giving in to your co-parent’s unreasonable demands could harm your divorce settlement and affect your child custody arrangements. Failing to stand firm when you know it’s the right thing to do is a mistake you should strive to avoid.

Read on to learn what else you shouldn’t do during custody negotiations.

Act in anger

You may anticipate an emotionally turbulent divorce journey, but the intensity of your feelings might take you by surprise. Anger is a factor in many breakups, and this emotion can affect your decision-making. Try to set anger toward your co-parent aside when addressing child-related issues.

Refuse to compromise

As a parent, you might feel you know what’s best for your kids and that compromising on any point is unwise. Unfortunately, such a hard-line stance could delay your divorce and leave your children without adequate stability. Compromising on issues that don’t threaten your kids’ well-being can lead to a custody and parenting plan that meets everyone’s needs.

Go it alone

Are you an authority on Nebraska child custody regulations? Unless you are, legal guidance can make a difference in the outcome of your negotiations. Look for a representative with experience handling complex custody issues and is prepared to fight for your rights.

Learning more about family law (divorce, child matters, marital property, etc.) in Nebraska can add even more weight to your negotiations.

